Hello Blogland!
Welcome to my humble little blog. A bit about me: My name is Vera* and I'm a 40ish housewife and mother to four (Brat, Bub, Princess, and Sugar Booger...or SB). I would say we are a fairly average family, living in an average city, in an average house.
I have always adored "old" things, even as a child. Something about them just touched a chord within me and it continues to reverberate. Now, while I have several vintage kitchen items and few pieces of furniture, I have no vintage clothing (I had a bit, but I gained weight--thank you middle age--and they no longer fit). In the past I have kept a vintage housekeeping schedule, but after experiences last year that resulted in having to move in with my IL's, it went to the wayside. Also, on occasion, I will cook a vintage menu.
What does that have to do with anything?
Well, a few years ago, there was a fantastic blog called Destination 1940 that chronicled "Jitterbug's" journey into the 1940's. Coincidentally, the 1940's is my preferred era. I started re-reading this blog last week and was inspired to adopt some of Jitterbugs routines and to re-visit some of my own vintage manuals and cook books. I also strengthened resolve (after being inspired by Jitterbug) to lose weight in a vintage way. I thoroughly plan to return to my vintage housekeeping routine once we move to our new house (next month) and to work on my wardrobe.
This blog is going to be a place to record my missions and results and to hopefully be a place where other people can look to when wanting to start a normal, everyday vintage lifestyle--no glamor included! Well, maybe a little :)
Week 1 Mission:
Continue to do morning exercises**
Drink 64 ounces of water daily
*Names have been changed to protect the innocent...or the guilty
**these are from Destination 1940. While I have posted the link for the now defunct blog, I am also going to post them here.
Exercises for Week 1:
Before getting out of bed, do this routine five times: stretch body out with arms out at sides. Lift both legs simultaneously as high as you can, even, if you can, over your head; then down again, slowly.
Rise up on the balls of your feet, bring your arms up overhead, stretching, stretching, stretching everything from toes up, keeping chest high, abdomen in. (20 reps)
Stand with feet slightly apart, arms down at sides. Stretch arms in front up and over the head slowly as far as you can, without straining, then slowly return to original position. (5 reps)
(A) Stand with feet slightly apart, abdomen in, seat well down, fingers interlaced and raised high over head, arms making a frame for the face. Keep face framed by arms throughout exercise, and body absolutely steady from waist down. (B) Swing forward till body and arms are horizontal. Swing body round to right side and travel upwards till arms are over head once more. (C) Turn to the left and swing the body round and down till body and arms are once again horizontal, as in B. (5 reps)
Stand erect, feet fairly far apart; clasp your hands behind your neck. Force the head and elbows back, inhale through the nostrils, expel the air through the lips. Breathe in as the head goes back; exhale as you return to first position. (5 reps)
Stand tall, hands on hips. Lift on your toes, let the knees spread, lower your body until you are in a squatting position, buttocks resting on the heels. Rise slowly. (5 reps)
I have only been doing these two days and I can really feel it!
Till Next Time,
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